Back pain

Our therapists will guide and treat you to help you recover from your back problems as best as possible.

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Back pain

Low back pain

Lower back pain is also commonly called lumbago. Four out of five people have suffered from it at some point. The cause is often difficult to determine. We know that most people have muscles, ligaments and joints in their backs. In most cases, and even in severe pain, there is no disease or permanent damage. People with lower back pain have pain in the lower back. The pain can also radiate to the buttock or leg. Standing or sitting for a long time, but also moving, can be quite painful. Some people have back pain once, others have complaints regularly.

The pelvis can also be involved. A pelvic complaint is often experienced as pain in the lower back. A physiotherapy examination can clarify whether the pain is caused by the pelvis or the lower back. If no clear abnormality is found, it is also referred to as non-specific back complaints. The treatment at Cardo Healthcare is always tailored to the specific wishes and needs of the individual. Other disciplines are involved if necessary, such as the occupational therapist, podiatrist or our psychologist.

Acute back pain

An acute complaint can arise when lifting, exercising or spontaneously when making a random movement. As mentioned before, the lower back is often affected, but the middle or upper back can also cause problems. In addition, the ribs can be involved in a blockage and often cause a sharp or nagging pain when turning or inhaling. Your physiotherapist can give appropriate advice for these acute complaints, ensure pain relief by treating with manual techniques, shockwave, medical taping or dry needling.

Specific back complaints

Back surgery can have a significant impact. Various operations are possible on the spinal column, such as narrowing the part where the nerves exit (spinal canal stenosis), or fixing the vertebrae (spondylodesis) in the case of vertebral slippage (spondylolysthesis).

All these operations are treated post-operatively by the physiotherapist. The treatment consists of learning to deal with the complaints and limitations and strengthening the back and trunk muscles. The goal here is to be able to resume personal activities such as sports or work.

Neck complaints

Neck complaints can cause a significant limitation in everyday activities. Here too, we can make a distinction between acute and more chronic complaints. We treat various complaints such as acute neck complaints, status after a neck o.k. or whiplash complaints. Contact us for more information about our treatment options.

Don’t keep walking around with your back complaints and make an appointment in Veldhoven or Waalre


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