Hip complaints

Our therapists will guide and treat you to help you recover from your hip complaints as best as possible.

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Hip complaints

The hip is, like the shoulder, a ball and socket joint. The hip joint consists of the round head of the femur, which makes contact with the socket formed by the pelvic crest. Despite the large range of motion, the hip is a stable and strong joint. The hip head and socket are covered with cartilage, with the labrum around the hip socket; a connective tissue structure that provides extra depth to the socket.

Development of hip complaints

A hip complaint can develop acutely after a trauma such as a fall, but can also develop gradually and without a clearly identifiable cause. We list a number of ways in which this can occur below and what physiotherapy can do for this. Depending on the injury or condition, hip pain complaints can vary in intensity per individual. However, there are typical pain complaints that are characteristic and that are explained per condition.

Acute hip complaints

During sports, for example, the muscles of the hip can be injured. A sharp, stabbing pain is characteristic of an acute complaint. An abrupt movement can overload a muscle or tendon and can cause a strain or tear.

Muscle or tendon injury

In severe cases of a muscle tear or tendon injury, the range of motion when moving will be limited and walking will be painful. Tensing the affected muscle or tendon will worsen the pain and (local) fluid may develop. In the case of a rupture, a dent or unevenness will be palpable in the muscle. Ultrasound diagnostics can be used to determine the extent and severity of the rupture. For more information about ultrasound diagnostics, visit www.shockwaveveldhoven.nl

Treatment: In the case of a rupture or another form of acute injury, medical taping can be used. In addition, advice is discussed and you are guided in resuming (sports) activities. This guidance consists mainly of exercise therapy and in the final recovery phase stretching of the affected muscle (if necessary). Another possibility is the use of shockwave to promote recovery. Shockwave is used at both locations at Cardo Healthcare.

Subacute or chronic complaints

When vague complaints occur that are not continuously present, there may be an overload of muscle or tendon tissue. In some cases, the bursa may also become inflamed. Not being able to lie on the hip while sleeping, for example, is often an additional symptom that indicates a bursa inflammation.

Wear and tear complaints or osteoarthritis

These complaints limit activities such as sports, work, but also daily activities such as dressing and self-care. The most common complaints with wear and tear of the hip are:

  • Pain around the hip that worsens with strain such as walking, climbing stairs or (maximum) bending or stretching backwards.
  • Nocturnal pain, especially when lying on the affected hip.
  • Stiffening of the hip and loss of mobility. Starting stiffness in particular is a well-known complaint.
  • Loss of strength due to weakening of the muscles around the hip joint.

New hip: pre- and post-operative

Preoperative: Several studies have confirmed that preoperative exercise has a beneficial effect on recovery after hip surgery. This means that normal hip joint function is achieved more quickly and that activities can be resumed sooner. Strengthening the hip muscles through strength training as well as improving fitness will be addressed during exercise therapy.

Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome

Greater trochanter pain syndrome is an irritation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac that sits on the greater trochanter, a protrusion on the outside of the femur bone, the outermost part of the hip. The bursa acts as a cushion to reduce friction between the outside of the hip bone and the muscles that attach to the bone. The pain syndrome develops when the outside of the hip becomes irritated by repeated friction against the bursa. This repeated friction is due to a combination of muscle weakness and stiffness, which increases friction on the outside of the hip. There are several causes that can cause this irritation:

  • Stiffness and/or adhesion of the iliotibial band (a thick connective tissue band that originates from a muscle from the pelvis and runs along the outside of the leg to the knee)
  • Muscle stiffness or muscle weakness of the hip
  • Deviations in the hip or knee or biomechanics (movement)
  • Other/new sports activities and loads

What pain complaints with major pain syndrome?

  • Sensitivity to touch on the outside of the hip
  • Pain when lying on the affected side, unable to sleep due to this pain
  • Pain in the hip region that initially feels sharp, eventually becoming more nagging in nature and can radiate to the side of the leg
  • Increase in stiffness in the hip region
  • Pain and stiffness when sitting for long periods, walking (worst during the first few steps) or squatting

Gait disorders

Complaints of instability of the hip muscles can significantly disrupt the gait pattern. When supporting yourself on the affected hip, you may “sink” through the hip and lean over to the unaffected side. Swinging your leg outwards is also an adjustment due to the pain. It is important that your physiotherapist corrects this walking pattern during exercise therapy, so that the hip is loaded normally again and muscles are used efficiently again.

Abnormalities in the hip joint

There are various congenital or congenital abnormalities for which physiotherapy is desirable. This can be before or after a surgical procedure, but also with conservative treatment. This includes guidance during exercises to strengthen muscles, improve walking patterns, but also hands-on techniques to improve the mobility of the surrounding tissue can be applied. Below is a list of abnormalities that occur most often:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Hip impingement
  • Hip dislocation
  • Labrum injuries

Do not walk around with your complaint and make an appointment in Veldhoven or Waalre!


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