Elbow complaints

Our therapists will guide and treat you to help you recover from your elbow complaints as best as possible.

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Elbow pain

The Elbow

The elbow forms a complex connection between the upper and lower arm. It looks like a hinge joint but actually consists of three joints. The connection between the upper arm and lower arm is a hinge joint that allows the arm to bend and stretch. The radius can rotate around the ulna in its longitudinal axis, which allows us to rotate the wrist and hand outwards and inwards. In addition, the connection between the ulna and the radius also forms a joint at the upper arm, this is a kind of head-socket joint like the shoulder.

Development of elbow complaints

An elbow complaint can develop acutely after a sudden trauma such as a fall, but can also develop gradually. The pain can vary from a sharp stabbing pain when bending or stretching, to a continuous nagging pain. We list a number of development methods below. You can then click on the link and the pathology or condition will be explained further and you can see what your physiotherapist can do for you. Pain complaints of the elbow can vary in acute complaints or even become chronic if present for a longer period of time.

Acute complaints elbow

Hyper extension (trauma). This refers to an overextension of the elbow joint in which the joint capsule and/or the ligaments are damaged subluxation: these can occur due to a blow or fall due to trauma. A sharp stabbing pain is characteristic of an acute complaint. An abrupt movement can overload a muscle or tendon and an injury can occur.

A muscle or tendon rupture

A muscle or tendon can tear when catching a heavy object or catching yourself in the event of a fall or slip. This is characterized by a sharp pain after which the pain increases significantly during exertion. Ultrasound can be used to determine whether there is a rupture and where exactly it is located, in the muscle, muscle-tendon transition or just the tendon itself. Making a correct diagnosis is important for recovery and the eventual (exercise) therapy. It is important that the muscles remain at length so that there is no restriction of movement. In the worst case, we see that a restriction arises in the extension of the elbow, for this reason it is important that your physiotherapist continues to monitor the recovery and ensures the maintenance of mobility.

Muscle injury

Subacute or chronic complaints

Tendon complaints
If there is a suspicion of a tendon injury, ultrasound diagnostics will first be applied. In addition, exercise therapy and, if necessary, shock wave therapy will be applied. For more information about shock wave and ultrasound diagnostics, we refer you to the website ShockwaveVeldhoven.nl. A well-known condition in which the tendons are involved is tennis and golfer’s elbow.

Tennis and golfer’s elbow

In most cases, tennis or golfer’s elbow is a result of overload and often develops gradually. This can be caused in particular by prolonged repetitive actions during activities. Irritation occurs at the attachment of the muscles on the outside or inside of the elbow. In most cases, the conditions have nothing to do with playing a sport. The pain in tennis elbow is located on the outside of the elbow and sometimes radiates to the upper or lower arm. In golfer’s elbow, the pain occurs on the inside and usually does not radiate. Inflammation of the extensor or flexor tendons of the elbow sometimes also causes a reduction in strength. The condition can be so painful that you spontaneously drop even light objects such as a coffee mug or can no longer lift them. The physiotherapist treats golfer’s or tennis elbow with local massage of the painful muscle attachment, which is known as ‘deep transverse friction’. Shockwave can also be applied. Exercise therapy is recommended that consists of stretching exercises to lengthen the extensor and flexor muscles of the wrist and to reduce the tension on the tendons.

Restricted movement of muscle or due to shortened capsule

After a fracture, a restricted movement can occur in the elbow. In most cases, the extension of the elbow is limited. There are different ways to treat this movement restriction, depending on the nature (muscle or capsule) and the phase of recovery. Do you have a movement restriction? Then let our physiotherapists assess and discuss with you what the right treatment is in your case.

Don’t keep walking around with your complaint and make an appointment!


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